Filtering by: “Opportunity”

RFP-Mental Health and Behavioral Health Services

RFP-Mental Health and Behavioral Health Services

“Our community is crying out for help, and this RFP is in direct response to that outcry,” PHF Executive Director Kevin Store said. “Everyone knows there have been increases in anxiety, suicide ideation, violent crime rates, addiction issues, and a decrease in coping skills, provider availability and social connections. While we know any one thing can’t solve all of the problems, this is an opportunity for our community to take some action.”

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PHF Releases $2,500 Small Grant Opportunity

PHF Releases $2,500 Small Grant Opportunity

Portage Health Foundation (PHF) announced the release of the 2023 Small Grants Program Request for Proposals (RFP). PHF expects to award up to $15,000 towards successful proposals under this round of funding. There is no minimum grant amount and the maximum amount awarded per grant under this RFP will be $2,500.

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Volunteer for "Big Pack"

Volunteer for "Big Pack"

31 Backpacks, a local non-profit dedicated to making sure school children don’t go hungry, is looking for volunteers to help with their “Big Pack”, an extra-large bag of food sent home with students for over spring break.

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Superior Maker Fest 2023

Superior Maker Fest 2023

This event is aimed to connect our community TO our community; through the sharing of inventions and creations made right here in the Copper Country. Attendees will have an opportunity to learn about STEM-based makers, compete in making competitions, learn about local STEM-based clubs, and more!

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