The Birds and the Bats

This episode features interviews with Copper Country Audubon Society Vice President Joseph Youngman and KBIC Natural Resources Department Wildlife (and bat study) Coordinator Kyle Seppanen.

We discuss some of what supported EGLE’s decision last year to deny Circle Power the permit based on the anticipated environmental impacts of the project.

Scotia Wind Project documents

There are several documents at the above link that include information about Circle Power’s permit denial, including the denial letters themselves and recommendation letters from other agencies.

Visual aids

Below are a few maps Joseph Youngman thought would be helpful for reference while listening to his interview.

Known and projected raptor flights in the Keweenaw Peninsula. Map provided by Joseph Youngman

Typical waterbird routes that are flown during migration periods. Map provided by Joseph Youngman.

Possible common loon flights during autumn migration periods. Map provided by Joseph Youngman.


Council laying ground work for improved drainage, 2022 budget, new DPW employee


Councilor Lytle's parting remarks, moment of silence for Dave Wiitanen