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New gazebo approved, pickleball grant proceeding, and streaming meetings briefly discussed

Agenda and documents

Meeting Highlights

Councilors Will Lytle and Whitney Warstler were absent from the meeting and excused by the other councilors.

Hancock’s audit report: “best opinion you can get”

The audit report from Rukkila, Negro and Associates came back as an “unmodified opinion”, which the presenter said was the best possible option.

Fence meets its match

During City Manager Mary Babcock’s administrative report, she informed the board of damage to the fence at the ballfield within the driving park sustained because of wind blowing the equipment shed over. The wind damage happened on Dec. 17, but this is the first time the council has met in 2022.

Photos from meeting information packet, courtesy of the City of Hancock.

Babcock said the repair should be largely covered by insurance.

New Gazebo approved for Klondike Park

The council approved up to $6,000 for the Industrial Arts class from Hancock High School to build a new Gazebo in Klondike Park where the old water tower was located.

Photos clipped from meeting information packet, courtesy of the City of Hancock

Council approves grant application for new pickleball courts

The council voted to submit a grant application to Portage Health Foundation for the construction of four new pickleball courts at Laurn-Grove Park, which would replace the tennis court there. The grant is for a maximum of $20,000. The city intends to cover the remaining cost with other grants or from recreation millage funds.

The vote was supported by a public comment earlier in the meeting.

Hancock commits funds to technology upgrades

The city council approved spending a total of $6,933 on new security cameras for the city hall and the police department, and $9,842.20 for a new server, both from Up and Running. Councilor Ron Blau dissented on the vote for the new server, suggesting the city should investigate using the cloud for their needs instead. City Manager Mary Babcock said that may be difficult because of legal constraints on the police department’s use of informationc technology.

Council discusses returning meetings to streaming video

At the end of the meeting, the council asked the city manager to inform them of the cost of returning to streaming the council meetings and add the item to their next meeting’s agenda.

Other notes: