Calumet Village Council Joshua Vissers Calumet Village Council Joshua Vissers

Work continues on 5th Street fire property remediation, starts on Short Term rental ordinance

Calumet Village Council, Dec. 21, 2021

Meeting agenda

Meeting Highlights

Council votes to exempt itself from health insurance caps

The village council exempted the village from PA 152, which limits the amount a government unit can spend on healthcare for employees. The village meets the requirements that the law gives for opting out of the law, which includes a population of less than 600,000. As long as they vote each year to exempt themselves, they can continue to do so.

$250,000 to spend on fire site, committee formed to explore expenses

Among other funds, the village has received an earmark from the State of Michigan’s budget for $250,000 toward remediating the 5th Street fire site for redevelopment. Concerned that the money may not be able to cover everything they want, the village council intends to form a committee to evaluate options for the property and the costs of securing those possibilities. Jeff Ratcliffe, the executive director of the Keweenaw Economic Development Alliance, spoke during the meeting and will be working with the committee.

Roof collapse insurance payout underwhelms, soda fountain reconstruction considered

The village’s insurance agent attended the council meeting to speak about the insurance claim on the roof collapse and damaged soda fountain. The insurance company is only offering cash for about a third of the insured value of the property — $20,000. Because of the low offer, the council is considering trying to replace and rebuild the items, which they could get up to about $68,000 to do.

Calumet Theatre attains coverage, waiting for policy to take effect

The theatre has reported to the council that their insurance is straightened out and it’s simply a matter of time for the coverage to take effect. A representative from the theatre board was unable to attend the meeting.

Village to move forward with Short Term Rental ordinances

Under advice that HB 4722 would not be a quickly-passed bill, the council decided to initiate the process of implementing a Short Term Rental ordinance. They also intend to consider a resolution against HB 4722 at their January meeting.

Other notes:

The council voted to spend $450 on three new pagers for the fire department.

The council voted to give full-time village employees the same federal holidays that are in Village Manager Amber Goodman’s contract.

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Calumet Village Council Joshua Vissers Calumet Village Council Joshua Vissers

Calumet Theatre loses insurance, working toward new policy

Calumet Village Council, Dec. 7, 2021

Meeting Highlights

Calumet Theatre without insurance coverage, cancels December events

The previous underwriter of the Calumet Theatre has declined to renew the policy, leaving the building without insurance for events. As such, the theatre management was compelled to cancel all of their events for the month.

A lack of insurance is also considered a breach of the theatre lease. Daniel Jamison spoke on behalf of the theatre board. He told the village council that he had contacted a new insurance agency that specializes in covering theaters, and they were working toward a new policy.

Jamison also encouraged the council to issue a letter giving a 45-day notice of termination for the lease if insurance coverage was not obtained. The council concurred and voted to issue the letter.

Other notes:

Councilor Elise Matz was absent from the meeting.

Discussion of the Rules of Procedure was tabled until Councilor Elise Matz can be present.

Most formal committees were not reformed, except for a finance committee, which will consist of Councilor Rob Tarvis, Councilor Andrew Ranville, and President Brian Abramson. Other committee work will continue in the council work sessions.

Councilor Rob Tarvis was reselected as the council’s president pro-tem.

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