U.P. Flooding State of Emergency Deepens
As snow continues to melt and recent rains add to the water flow, the State of Emergency declared over spring flooding has expanded to cover eight counties in the Upper Peninsula.
Storm drains in Lake Linden have been cleared, but flows remain and debris is still on the road. Photo by Lily Venable.
As snow continues to melt and recent rains add to the water flow, the State of Emergency declared over spring flooding has expanded to cover eight counties in the Upper Peninsula.
On April 14, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer declared a State of Emergency for the flooding in Houghton and Gogebic counties. This emergency declaration applies to all of Houghton County, with most reported damage being in Lake Linden and Dollar Bay.
According to a press release from the governor's office, State of Emergency declarations have also been granted to Alger, Baraga, Dickinson, Iron, Marquette, and Ontonagon Counties as of Friday. Keweenaw County has not reported any significant damage at this time.
“Flows are way down from what they were,” Emergency Operations Manager Chris VanArsdale said. “We’re waiting to see, when the storm passes, if they’re going to pick back up or dry out. We’re in a holding pattern while the weather subsides.”
Photo courtesy of the office of Gov. Gretchen Whitmer.
The Houghton County Emergency Division warns residents to be mindful of water over the road and also of very soft roads. Gravel roads will be extremely soft, so drive towards the middle of the road if possible to avoid getting stuck. Also watch for soft shoulders on roads. The Houghton County Emergency Division continues to monitor water flow.
In a joint statement, State Senator Ed McBroom and Representative Greg Markkanen said in a press release, “We are grateful for the quick turnaround upon these local emergency declarations and needs. The MSP has been working diligently to help all our local officials and citizens. Our offices are ready to provide any assistance and work for the support we will need to repair and rebuild after the water recedes.”
Residents who have damage to their property are asked to report it either online at https://arcg.is/10ab1j or by calling 211. The purpose of reporting damage is so that the Houghton County Emergency Division can assess the damage as well as report to the State of Michigan how much assistance is needed through FEMA. There are two types of assistance to be applied for: public assistance (infrastructure, roads, municipalities, etc.) and individual assistance (privately owned properties and houses).
VanArsdale says that most damage being reported is road damage, so funds from the State of Michigan will go to stormwater system repair, road and shoulder repair, and repairs to any public infrastructure, including labor, overtime, and fuel for responding agencies.
“The disaster relief process is complicated,” remarks VanArsdale. “We’ve been through it, but some of the other counties haven’t, they’re learning as they go. The State has been great seeing what we need. They have been a great partner, and we are really happy working with them.”
The Emergency Management and Homeland Security Division (EMHSC), a branch of the Michigan State Police, has used their resources to broadcast public information, as well as to set up and maintain the 211 phone line and web link for damage reports.
“Every morning, they’re asking, ‘What do you need from us?’,” remarks VanArsdale. “[EMHSC Captain] Kevin Sweeney has been on our calls every morning. Actually, he called me Wednesday morning to see how the flooding is going and what we need from them. I was really impressed that he would take the time personally to see what we needed locally.”
The washed-out railroad grade above Lake Linden. Photo courtesy of Chris Van Arsdale.
In Lake Linden and Hubbell, most damage comes from several abandoned railroad grades. In Hubbell, the water is flowing through the grades, while in Lake Linden, one of these grades was blocking the flow of stormwater, becoming waterlogged, and subsequently bursting, causing a flood emergency.
“The railroad grades need to be checked. They’re not designed as dams, they’re designed as bridges,” explains VanArsdale. “The gray area is whose responsibility it is to maintain the culverts, and that’s a question that hasn't been resolved. So a lot of them aren't maintained. That causes problems.”
According to VanArsdale, EGLE recently paid an estimated $10 million to clean up some of these streams and culverts all over the Keweenaw, so some say it is EGLE’s responsibility to maintain the culverts. EGLE said they permit work on them, but it is not theirs to maintain. Some say the county should maintain the culverts, while others say the responsibility should be left to private landowners, where several of the culverts lie.
The washout of a home’s yard in Lake Linden. Photo courtesy of Chris Van Arsdale.
In spring of 2019, before the year’s snow melt, a meeting was conducted between Houghton County fire departments, police departments, and township and municipality representatives to discuss the county’s stance on the issue. It was ultimately decided that the responsibility was going to be left to the municipality to maintain the drains, but the conversation is still ongoing.
If you are a landowner, have land surrounding these grades or gullies (there are 33 of these drainages in the area), or live next to one, make sure you aren’t dumping any garbage that might block the culverts.
“That’s definitely been an issue – dumping in the woods,” remarks VanArsdale.
Ask your local elected officials: What are they doing to maintain the drains? Is there a program in place? Are they having a contractor coming to check them or clean them every year?
Individuals or municipalities can petition the County Board of Commissioners to establish what’s called a county drain, a watershed which the County Drain Commissioner is responsible for maintaining. The county would then be responsible for maintaining the drain rather than the local municipality. This is a common arrangement in other parts of the state.