Copper Beacon

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New village clerk established, new sheriff resigns old elected position

Editor’s note: This room and table setup are about the worst I can imagine for recording purposes. I did what I could with what I had, nonetheless. Village President George Eakin told me he’s hoping to stop using the COVID-19 safety set up for their next meeting, and if they move back to the smaller room most of these issues will be gone. Otherwise, I’m going to have to take some radical measures to capture better audio and video in November. I appreciate your patience while I establish this new, regular coverage.

Meeting Highlights

Click the underlined headlines to be taken to the corresponding video.

New village clerk welcomed, training in progress

The new village clerk, Kristen Archambeau, was in attendance for the first time in her new role. The village approved adding her to the village bank and credit card accounts and thanked previous clerk Joe Morgan for his work.

Sheriff Saaranen resigns from the village council

Thanking the village for the opportunity to serve as trustee, Sheriff Josh Saaranen resigned his position on the council because of his new position as Sheriff. Both being elected positions, he can’t hold them concurrently. The council later accepted the resignation, although several expressed their regret at losing him on the council. The village voted to post the open position in order to appoint someone to the vacant seat at the next regular meeting.

Other notes:

Trustees discussed a citizen's concern about speeding after-dark ATV traffic on Whealkate Drive. Signage, closing gates, and other alternatives were discussed. Trustees and village employees said they would reach out to the road commission to see what could be done.

Another citizen came to the council about an issue with constantly running water in his basement. The village plans to test the water to see if it has residual chlorine in it, which would indicate it may come from a municipal line.

Another citizen invited the council and public to a presentation on recycling happening on Oct. 21 at the Carnegie Museum and online.

The village has asked the sheriff’s department to look into several campers parked in the village that people seem to be living in.

Dollar General is investigating land and easements in South Range.

The council discussed buying new office equipment and software for the new village clerk.

The council approved the lowest bid for a new furnace and heater in the DPW garage, contingent on it including removal of the old equipment.