Hancock City Council approves service contracts, grant agreements

The Hancock City Council meeting this week was pretty routine, but there were still a couple of highlights worth mentioning. You can view the agenda and board information packet through the link below.

Agenda and packet

Above is the recording of the entire meeting, but the only parts that are particularly worth hearing are the city manager’s report, and Councilor Ron Blau’s plug for the upcoming Guts Frisbee Tournament.

City Manager Mary Babcock’s report - This is the report the manager gives to the council at every meeting and is a great way of finding out what’s been happening and what’s on the horizon. It starts about six minutes into the above video if you want to skip to it there.

Councilor Ron Blau on Guts Frisbee - I only interact with Councilor Blau at these meetings, but I’ve never seen him more excited about something than this. It’s at about the 37-minute mark. You can also peruse the Official Guts Frisbee website.


Ontonagon pursues federal MERS relief, approves more sidewalk dining


Legistlative Update, May 2021