6th street work delayed, Santa coming to South Range, bonuses coming to employees

Meeting Highlights

6th Street water work delayed until spring

A representative from Portage Lake Construction attended the meeting to explain problems they are having with replacing an 8-inch water line on 6th Street. Upon excavation, they found that because of the dimensions of the old line and space constraints, they will have to put an above-ground temporary feed to the affected homes to complete the work, which will now need to wait until Spring to avoid freezing pipes.

The council later agreed to explore possibilities for helping two households that seem to have dirty water in the interim, starting with getting water testing done.

2nd Street “lean-to” licensing and discussion

A resident who built an out-building without proper village permitting is working with the council to get it approved before completing work on it. The builder explained the plan for the building to the council, and councilors asked for a site plan and letter of approval from the owner of the neighboring property before they would take a vote on approving the construction.

Fire department welcomes new member, plans for South Range Christmas celebration

The South Range Volunteer Fire Department said goodbye to one member who moved to Toivola but voted to accept a new member who lives within South Range, keeping their number at 17.

The annual Christmas in South Range is planned to be an outdoor event similar to last year, due to the ongoing pandemic. On Sunday, Dec. 12, Santa will arrive at the community hall by fire truck to light the village Christmas tree and Bruce Rundman will present live music. The village council made a $300 donation toward the event.

They’re also planning on replacing some aging fixtures in the fire hall with LED fixtures and bulbs.

Village Council approves Christmas bonuses for village employees

The council unanimously approved Christmas cash bonuses of up to $400 for the village employees. They added the clerk to those receiving bonuses, as it is now a hired position and no longer an elected position.

Other notes:

The DPW is requesting the village council budget for a Hydrant Buddy and a line tracer for maintenance of the water system and locating shutoff valves, respectively.

One village employee is currently out with COVID-19 but does not seem to have transmitted the illness to any coworkers. The council discussed updating the 80 hours of paid leave for employees with COVID-19 to match new, shorter federal guidelines, but no immediate action was taken.

The BP gas station will stop being a BP sometime next year, and the council is working with the owners to make a new arrangement for gas for village vehicles.

The village clerk is arranging a welcome packet with important information for new village residents.

The council is looking into scraping the old garbage truck, which has generated no interest from buyers for the last two months.

The council approved meeting dates for 2022, continuing on the first Thursday of each month.

The council approved the same let-run policy for this winter season as last season.


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