Experienced birder talks danger to raptors, bats from proposed wind turbines

Editor’s Note: The views expressed in this video are not necessarily shared by Copper Beacon or its employees, and Copper Beacon was not compensated for producing this video. (See more below)

This meeting took place Monday, Aug. 16, 2021, in the Stanton Township Fire Hall. About 35 people gathered at 6:30 p.m. to talk about the ill effects of wind turbines and their construction, hear birding expert Joseph Youngman speak, and plan how to stop the development of turbines.

Meeting's Opening

The video opens with some comments from Guardians of the Keweenaw Ridge leadership before introducing Joseph Youngman, vice president of the Copper Country Audobon and experienced birding expert.

Youngman's Intro and Talk

Youngman spent some time taking questions after his presentation, not all of which related to his expertise with birds. He did his best to field all the questions but had to pass some off to others.


EDITOR’S NOTE: This is the first time I’ve covered something like this in its entirety, and I was somewhat conflicted about whether I should or not, thus I feel the need to make this note and explain the choice further here.

The event is clearly in support of a single viewpoint and recording and sharing it promotes that, but there are likely people who hold other opinions and didn’t feel comfortable attending or speaking up at this meeting. Those people deserve a fair chance to speak within Copper Beacon’s pages, too.

For those who hold any variety of viewpoints, in support or against wind turbines, I invite you to either email me at me@joshuavissers.com to inform me or write a letter to the editor to be published on Copper Beacon’s op-ed page.

If a group in support of wind turbine development is formed, they can expect I’ll make a similar, cost-free effort to attend and record their meetings, not in an effort to support their viewpoint, but in order to bring news of their meeting and information on their views and discussion to you, my readers, listeners, and viewers.


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