Exploring the Vibrant Art Scene during summer in the Keweenaw
During the month of August, I often reflect on the Art Fairs that take place in Eagle Harbor and Copper Harbor. The Eagle Harbor Fair has a wonderful lineup of artists, plus the large tent where members of the Copper Country Associated Artists gather and share music, conversation and crafts with guests in a pleasant and relaxing atmosphere (August 12-13). This summer Dolly Luoma, Millie Little, and Jeanne Rosemurgy, all fiber artists, share the Featured Artist position. Art in the Park in Copper Harbor has an awesome group of artists and crafters, plus a main stage featuring regional musicians and grilled corn, brats and more. The whole town is in celebration mode for that weekend (August 19-20).
“Flowers for Mimi” at Ryan Street Garden, by Nancy McCabe. Photo by Miriam Pickens.
Closer to home, I’ve been checking out the Public Art Walking Tour in Hancock, a collaboration of the City of Hancock with the Copper Country Community Arts Center (CCCAC). This is a collection of 13 pieces from the Permanent Collection at the CCCAC of pieces donated by well-known local artists. They are reproduced onto weatherproof display boards located around the city. If you visit Porvoo Park on the Portage Canal, you'll have the chance to see two stunning works of art: "Shift Change" by Kevin Breyfogle, which depicts copper miners heading to work in the snow, and "The Cliff" by Alice Reynolds. Nancy McCabe, the artist behind "Flowers for Mimi" at Ryan Street Garden, used to talk to me about her friend Alice Reynolds, who gained local fame in the 50s and 60s for her ceramic painting. Breyfogle is also a well-known artist known for his large, vibrant, and precisely painted scenes. You can even purchase some of his works at the CCCAC.
Stacey Lay Coax with her jewelry and tye-dyed clothes at the Thursday Tori Market in Hancock. Photo by Miriam Pickens.
I love to check out the art at the Tori Market on Thursdays on Quincy Green in front of the Hirvonen building. Besides the fresh veggies and baked goods, I enjoy browsing the artist booths, including one where you can find cool tye-dyed clothes and jewelry by Stacey Lay Coax from Elo, between Tapiola and Pelkie. Joyce Kosenmaki’s “Bear and Stars” and Jon Haro’s “The Construction Workers” are displayed there as part of the walking tour. Joyce taught art at Finlandia for many years and is well known for her paintings and sculptures depicting the spiritual connection with nature. I enjoy checking out her work at the Gallery on 5th in Calumet and the CCCAC. John Haro was a local architect who designed some beautiful local church buildings including the Finlandia Chapel and the Range Apostolic Church in South Range, as well as many buildings in Ann Arbor on the University of Michigan Campus. Haro passed away at the age of 91 in 2020.
You can find a map of the Public Art Walking Tour at the CCCAC or the City of Hancock. While most of them are easily accessible by car, a few would demand a bit of physical activity to reach.
Ginger Alberti (left) and Nila at Sew Cranky in Hancock. Photo by Miriam Pickens.
I stopped by Sew Cranky on Quincy Street in Hancock where Ginger Alberti was working with Nila on a quilt, which will be a gift for her mom. Ginger offers group classes where individuals of all ages can learn how to use hand-cranked sewing machines to create various projects such as fish, horses, and more. Additionally, she also provides private lessons for those interested in tackling larger projects.
There are some really cool art events coming up in August and September. The Finnish American Folk School is getting geared up again to bring us the Bark & Willow Symposium from September 8-13. This will include workshops and demonstrations by Karen Tembreull and Poppy Hatinger, on the art of basketry, bead-making, cordage and bookbinding. This symposium is sponsored in part by the Michigan Arts & Culture Council and the CCCAC. Registration is required, and you can find more information at https://www.finlandia.edu/fahc/finnish-american-folk-school/.
Handwoven towels created in a “round-robin” style. Photo by Miriam Pickens.
If you get a chance, check out the display of works from the Finnish American Folk School that were completed in the 2022/23 season. They’re pretty phenomenal, particularly the clothesline of handwoven dish towels. Five expert weavers from the folk school set up warps on five looms, and each weaver wove at least one towel on each warp; a sort of round-robin. There are more than twenty-five towels displayed on this clothesline, and each is unique and beautiful. In addition, there are examples of cotton rugs, ceramic wall flowers, Nuno felting and Birchbark art.
“Finns Love Alliteration” is the title of the new show opening today (Aug. 3) at the CCCAC Gallery featuring Duluth artist Lenore Lampi. Lampi is well known for her ceramic work depicting intricate birchbark designs on functional ware as well as wall hangings. The opening reception and gallery talk will be this evening from 6 - 7:30 p.m.
Finally, there is a project happening which is dear to my heart. Art for Peace is a collaboration of Keweenaw Faiths United with Keweenaw CAPE, the Community Alliance for Progressive Education. Children around our community at summer programs and faith communities have been listening to stories about peacemaking, and have been encouraged to think about what peace means to them. They are drawing pictures about peace, and the pictures will be displayed in the youth gallery at the CCCAC in September. On Thursday, August 17 from 5:30-7:30 p.m., Trinity Episcopal at 205 East Montezuma Ave. in Houghton will host a free supper and a peacemaking session open to the community. For more information call Reverend Sarah Diener-Schlitt at 906-482-2010 or email the church at trinityepiscopalhoughton@gmail.com.