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Transitioning from Gas to Electrons!

Ken Muir worked as a machinist for 28 years before changing careers to be a Supplier Quality Engineer for the largest semiconductor equipment manufacturer in the world. In his role as SQE he managed suppliers responsible for the high-tech manufacturing of semiconductor equipment and thin film solar panels capable of producing power from ultraviolet light, facilitating constant power during cloudy days.

As an environmentalist, he saw the effects of extreme air and water pollution in his travels to suppliers around the world, especially in China and Southeast Asia. He personally heard of and saw the effects of climate change during his trips.

As a result of what he witnessed first hand, he came to understand the unacceptable security risk from fossil fuel focused petrol states. Ken's focus changed dramatically in the early 2000s. In the next UPEC Livestream, he will share his motivations and conclusions in his quest to understand how individuals and nations could free themselves from dependence on oil and gas.



Meeting ID: 860 7526 9466 | Passcode: 2023

February 8

Winter Carnival Begins

February 10

E-Waste Collection Event