Rebuilding continues at one-year anniversary of local fraternity house fire
Photo courtesy of Phi Phi Zeta House Corporation.
Just over one year ago, early on the morning of June 3, 2022, the Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity Chapter house at 918 College Ave. in Houghton, experienced a devastating fire. Fortunately, there were no injuries. Despite the immediate and valiant efforts of community firefighters, the house was rendered uninhabitable, although not a total loss. In the subsequent year, active and alumni members of the fraternity have worked tirelessly to restore the College Avenue icon to a livable, recognizable, and restored home for active students.
Following the fire clean-up, the immediate need was a functional roof to prevent further damage from the harsh Keweenaw winter. With that accomplished, and with the arrival of Summer 2023, visible progress slowed, but much work continued behind the scenes to make the myriad decisions required to restore the house. Currently, restoration planning and design are largely complete, and work has resumed, with the construction of the roof overhangs now underway. Lambda Chi Alpha plans to reoccupy the home as soon as possible.
The fraternity remains extremely grateful for the continued support and encouragement of the community, the University, other Greek organizations, and students.
The 918 College Ave. home is owned and operated by an alumni-based housing corporation, whose members have been working with architects, builders, and insurance company representatives to coordinate the reconstruction of the structure. Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity, founded in 1909, is an international social and philanthropic fraternity, with strict non-hazing policies. Lambda Chi Alpha calls its chapters Zetas, and the Michigan Tech chapter is designated by the Greek letters "Phi Phi". Lambda Chi Alpha at Michigan Tech was chartered in 1980. Their philanthropic activities benefit Little Brothers - Friends of the Elderly and other local groups, Feeding America (food drive), the Movember Foundation, and the American Red Cross. Lambda Chi Alpha will celebrate 45 years at Michigan Tech in 2025.