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$5,000 Youth Hockey Grant Available

HANCOCK – The Keweenaw Community Foundation is pleased to announce a special grant opportunity for the Calumet, Laurium, Keweenaw area. The CLK Youth Hockey Fund will be accepting applications for a $5,000 grant award in honor of Joel Touriniemi. 

A strong community advocate, Joel was instrumental in starting the CLK Youth Hockey Fund which supports youth hockey programs in the Calumet-Laurium-Keweenaw area. After Joel’s passing in 2023, many community members gave generous gifts to the fund to continue his legacy and support youth hockey. We were fortunate to have benefitted from his skills and enthusiasm for hockey, and for the betterment of the community he cherished. The fund advisors and the Foundation agreed that the best way to honor Joel’s memory would be to award a special grant in his honor. 

The application will be open January 10-24. Organizations in the Calumet, Laurium, and Keweenaw areas related to youth hockey or who are operating youth hockey programs are eligible to apply. More information and a link to the application is available on our website: 

The Foundation hopes to announce this special grant award in February 2024! 

About the Keweenaw Community Foundation

Keweenaw Community Foundation’s purpose is to support a thriving community through collaboratively matching community needs with resources to improve quality of life. Keweenaw Community Foundation is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable organization.

If you have any questions regarding the foundation please contact us at or 906-482-9673.

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